The Soliloquy Project
The Soliloquy Project is a GVSF original podcast which will allow you to engage with both Shakespeare and the outdoors (our two favourite things!) while staying safe and socially distanced this winter. We've created audio-only performances of some of Shakespeare's best soliloquies, specially designed to be listened to 'on location' in a variety of spots around the Victoria area! Each performance will be accompanied by a more traditional podcast episode, featuring Artistic Director Karen Lee Pickett, and UVic Shakespeare scholar Dr. Erin Kelly, as they take you on an educational 'deep dive' into Shakespeare's text.
The Soliloquy Project
Season 3, Episode 3: Sir, I Desire You Do Me Right and Justice
Greater Victoria Shakespeare Festival
In this episode, Ariel Slack performs Katherine’s speech, from Act 2, Scene 4 of Henry VIII.
Season Three of The Soliloquy Project features the soliloquys of Shakespeare's forgotten women, and spotlights the widows and scorned women who are oft left out of canonical reviews. What can we learn from these forgotten characters? Listen to Season 3, Episode 4 to find out.
To donate to the Greater Victoria Shakespeare Festival, please visit www.vicshakespeare.com/donate.
Sound design and theme song by Taylor Lewis.
Thank you to the CRD for their continued and deeply valued support of the Greater Victoria Shakespeare Festival.