The Soliloquy Project
The Soliloquy Project
Season 2, Episode 7: There is None of my Uncle’s Marks upon You.
Season Two features soliloquies exclusively from Shakespeare's As You Like It. In Episode 7, Nathaniel Exley performs Rosalind's “There is none of my uncle’s marks upon you”; a soliloquy from Act Three, Scene Two.
To listen on location, turn on to Rock Street from Quadra and follow the signs leading you to Playfair Park. If walking, you'll reach the park is less than five minutes. Playfair Park is a protected ecosystem, and is home to a rare Garry Oak meadow and hundreds of mature azaleas and rhododendrons located in Saanich. From the parking lot, follow the path toward the children's playground. A few steps beyond the playground, you'll come to two memorial benches tucked in on your right. Take a seat. In front of you now are the oak trees and, on a clear day, you can see the hills beyond.
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Don't forget to listen to Season Two, Episode 8 to learn more about this soliloquy!
Sound design and theme song by Taylor Lewis.
Thank you to the CRD for their continued and deeply valued support of the Greater Victoria Shakespeare Festival.